Wednesday 3 December 2014

Audience Theory Questions

Playing video games for just 20 minutes a day can encourage aggressive behaviour.

  • How does Article 1 relate to the hypodermic needle theory?

- The hypodermic needle theory suggests that whatever the audience hears on the news or sees on TV influences them in their lives. This article suggests that individuals in their youth are more likely to get influenced by violent video games than anything else. 

  • Find another online article/academic study that challenges the belief that violent video games are harmful. Provide the link and summarise its key points.
Article Against 

- This article suggests that there is no link between violent behaviour and playing violent video games. It suggests that yeah once in a while maybe the victim of an incident may of played Grand Theft Auto but that is like saying the victim wore socks when the incident happened. It doesn't mean anything.

  • What's your view on this debate?
- There is no evidence suggesting that videogames are the main route to violent behaviour. There may be a case once in a while where the victim played Grand Theft Auto but what kind of excuse is that. To blame the video game for infuriating him into harming another individual. I myself have played video games such as Grand Theft Auto and Call Of Duty for most of my life and not once have I ever thought about killing someone or harming someone because of that game. I feel as if it has had no impact on me and surely should have no impact on no one else.

2. Jamal Edwards: Amateur film-maker turned 

  • How can you link this feature to the two-step flow model?

- Jamal edwards is an opinion leader in the two-step flow model as he is broadcasting his view to many many people are agreeing or disagreeing. A lot of people may look up to him as an idol and may be influenced by his likes and dislikes. As a result they may begin to be influenced into having the same opinion as him and agreeing with everything that he says. 
  • Identify FIVE other YouTubers who are influencing audiences. 

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